<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

Hi all,

I had written a couple of weeks ago about my 10 year old son Joey.  He has
had GI problems his entire life. He also has migraines, frequent vomiting
and difficulty with continence.  We had the blood draw done and requested
they be done at Specialty labs.  BUT, they were not and were sent to a local
lab.  The IgA was low, the IGG was high.  His pediatrician called and said
that since one of the tests were high she would recommend putting him on a
gluten-free diet for a month and then challenge him with gluten at the end
of the month to see what happens.

Since these tests were done at a regular lab are they at all reliable?  Do
you get the same amount of false positives as you get false negatives at an
inexperienced lab?

I keep reading all these single posts about specific foods and I have gone
to some of the sites you guys have suggested that list gf fast foods and
some gf ingrdients.  But is there a book that has a long list of foods that
I could take to the grocery store?  How do you keep all this stuff straight?
I'm reading the ingredients at the store and I think: "wait there is malt in
this, oh no this has citic acid-was that okay?, this has soy in it...can he
have that or was it just soy sauce he's supposed to avoid, this has vanilla
in it....what did I read about that?"  So if there is not a book I suggest
one of you people write one!  I would buy it.
