<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

 List members-

 I've seen several posts regarding the subject and hope I can offer some

 I have been diagnosed with CD for 5 months but had additional
 "difficulties" develop since going GF.  My doctor, who is quite
 knowledgeable on nutritionally-related disorders, ordered more tests.  One
 was for food allergies and one for hormone dysfunction, both done through
 Great Smokies Diagnostic Lab.

 Several of the foods I had IgG responses to (which cause delayed reactions
 such as joint pain, one of my biggest problems), were foods I had
 increased since going GF including soy, garbanzo beans (including flour),
 and almonds.  And then were the usual culprits-milk, cheese and eggs.

 The work done by Great Smokies uses ELISA testing and measures both IgE
 (immediate reaction) and IgG responses.  The test results are provided in
 a nice, easy to read, report with a fairly detailed booklet on how to
 overcome these food allergies and implement a rotation diet.  It is much
 easier than trying to keep track of everything you eat and ferret out what
 you ate three days ago that might be causing problems today.

 For the ladies on the list, the hormone profile is done by taking saliva
 over a 28-day period.  From this, it can be found if your hormones are out
 of whack anywhere in your cycle and treated accordingly, at least until
 the body gets back in sync.  Seemingly another area where the body may
 have lost its rhythm because of CD.

 In addition, the lab that originally diagnosed my CD through blood was
 Immunosciences Lab in Los Angeles.  However, I've noticed Great Smokies
 does that testing, as well as testing for Candida and many others.  I've
 had several other tests from them and all came back in a good report form
 with information booklets to help you understand the results.  Their web
 site, www.greatsmokies-lab.com, also lists doctors by region who have
 ordered tests through them.  I am in no way affiliated with this lab.

 Oceanside, CA
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