<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

The "swful diet" feelings, whether it is for celiac or diabetes or heart
diease or whatever is a natural occurence.  It is part of the process of
learning ro accept that we are not perfect, that we are mortal and that
we are not in total control of our lives.  If you will, it is akin to a
"mourning period" where we must make mental adjustments before we go one
and tackle the real problems.

Psychologically, the mind "shuts down" amd does not immediately accept
horrible truths all at once.  You often hear this after a tragedy occurs
when people will say that "it hasn't sunk in".  Exaclty right.

So, people may scream and stamp and rail against the diet and
eventually, hopefully, as they adjust to the diagnosis, they will begin
to accept that the diet is not a bad thing, nor is it awful.  It just
