<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

Hi Listmates.
I have been on this list now for about 10 days or so and always look
forward to what may be in my email box next. So I am new at this stuff and
not too computer literate.  I have been a celiac all of my 55 years having
almost died as a baby when started on cereals.  I am learning more about
this the last few days than I ever knew before and not a minute too soon.
So, are there many of you out there my age that were diagnosed as celiac
when they didn't even know what that meant? And if you lived , you had
grown out of it? ..and henceforth have been poisoning yourself most of your
life, not knowing it and always wondered what was the matter with you?..
having told anywhere that health history was taken that you were celaic as
a child and having most medical professionals knowing nothing about it?..
and thinking that pain and not feeling well was just a part of life.. I
would be interested in hearing some stories of people my age.  It is so
strange now when I think of some of the comments I make..like- I feel
starved all the time! or another..I always feel best when I don't
eat!..which of couse didn't happen too often as I was always starving!  Now
it all fits..I can't believe I have survived this long .  Good Health to
you all..     Donna