<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

PLEASE READ THIS before filling out the poll. Only complete
this poll if you are doctor diagnosed celiac or if you suffer from
DH diagnosed by a doctor. Please check ALL answers that apply
prior to submitting your response. Answers #7 and #8 have been
added in order to get a tally of the number of respondents.

YOU NEED TO CHECK OFF either #7 or #8 in order for the results to
be tallied correctly. Please do not attempt to interpret the results
based on the percentages listed because #7 and #8 are part of the
percentages calculated. I will manually make corrected
calculations when the survey is complete. (This is necessary for
polls which allow multiple responses from the same person.) You
may fill out the poll for other members of your household if they
do not have access to the poll themselves, but make sure that you
consult them first regarding their responses; however, submit
a separate response for each person.

The survey is open until 1/28/99 6:00PM E.T.  The URL is:


The question is as follows:
(check all answers that apply to you)

Which of the following foods do you have difficulty digesting:
(Please check ALL that apply) (Celiacs only including people with DH)

1. Citrus fruit (orange, tangerine, lemon, etc)
2. Corn
3. Soy
4. Milk
5. Leafy green vegetables
6. Irish potatoes (white potatoes)
7. At least one of the above (Check this if you don't check #8)(this
will be combined with #8 to get the total head count)
8. None of the above (this will be combined with #7 to get a head


To calculate the percentage response yourself, you would do the

Add together the number of responses for #7 and #8.
Take the number of responses for #1 and divide it by the total
of #7 and #8 responses. This gives you the percent of people who
responded who have difficulty digesting citrus.


If, for example there were 30 respondents who said they had
difficulty with Citrus:

If  #1 (ctirus) had 30 responses
If  #7 had 250 responses
If  #8 had 50 responses

250 + 50 = 300 responses.

30 (citrus responses)  / (divided by) 300 (number of total respondents)
= .10

This would mean the 10% of the respondents were sensitive to
citrus fruits.  However, this is only an example.

You can calculate the percentage for corn, soy, milk, leafy
green vegetables, and irish potatoes in the same fashion.
I will do this for each category after the survey closes and
post the results to the listserv and post it on a webpage.


The reason I added potatoes to this list is because I found
out that I am sensitive to them.  I didn't realize that they
were causing abnormal stool which was basically, mushy.  Also,
potatoes turned out to be the primary cause of my dry lips and eyes.

I was eating a diet high in potatoes.  Sometimes I ate 2
potatoes a day.  I noticed that one the days after eating 2 potatoes,
that my lips would crack and bleed.  It took me months to figure
this out....by using trial and error.  I am very curious to find
out if other celiacs are also sensitive to potatoes.  After
removing potatoes from my diet, I experienced quite the transformation.
My lips stopped cracking.  They are no longer painful at all.
They are very normal looking for the first time
in years. I don't even need to put vaseline on them anymore.
Also, my dry eyes went back to normal as well.  I couldn't be
happier.  It occurred to me that perhaps other celiacs are sensitive
to potatoes as well.  Maybe that explains the great number of
celiacs with dry eyes and lips.

I have completely removed potatoes from my diet now.  No more
Dari-Free (I drink Westbrae Natural Rice Beverage, Vanilla instead),
no more potato pancakes, no more potato starch even.  I feel better
than ever and have had normal fully formed stool since making this
change in my diet.

Another that helped my lips was increasing Vitamin B2 in my diet.
There is a very helpful webpage called Vitamin Update which lists
food high in each vitamin. There is a very good list there for B2.

Vitamin Update:

If you wish to try a potato free diet prior to answering the poll,
please be my guest. I would recommend that during the 1st week you go
potato free.  The 2nd week you add potato back and see if it makes
a difference for you.

Abigail, St Paul, MN
Celiac Disease On-Line Support Group http://www.customforum.com/celiac/
Moderated chats: Mon 8-9pm E.T.
Non-Moderated Chat Wed 8-10pm E.T.