<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

Thanks to all who responded to my Dairy query.  I have summarized a few of the
responses and will try to take it all in.  It seems as if I am not alone in
this one...what else is new?  Thanks all.

Many of us can't drink milk, even lactose free.  It's the casein. That's why
you see so much on the list about soy and rice milks.  We don't drink these
for fun.
I am writing you only to caution you, that soy is a really big problem
for alot of us, and some of those helath drinks which are dairy free
contain soy.  So just be careful.  Perhaps you are one of the lucky ones
that won't have a soy problem, but considering that you are sensitive to
so many other foods, just be careful.  BTW, the problem for me with
dairy is the casein (protein).  And yes your assumption that we have
problems with proteins is very true.
A few suggestions--
for the rash--take the homeopathic remedy Apis 39C 2 pills every 2 hrs
under the tongue w/o food.  It will take care of them very quickly--they
are an allergic reaction. Iget them from corn.

Build up your leaky gut--My nutrionist suggested taking with each meal
L=glunatmine capsule 500mg
and a strong, friendly bacteria capsule that does not have to be
refrigerated.  You can can this in a non=dairy form.

Take this combo 3x a day.  It will take a few months to heal the gut,
but you will feel better very quickly.  I found after 6 months I was no
longer lactose intolerant.  I still take the supplements to keep the gut
I think vast numbers of celiacs are also intolerant of the gliadin protein in
both eggs and dairy of all sorts, many of them suffering without knowing why.
I am also allergic to the corn GLUTEN, not the corn itself.
I get those things on my neck and back whenever I try certain hair products.
Have you given that any thought?
I can take in small amounts of cultured milk products like cheese and yogurt
but the ingredient list must be strictly cultured milk not milk too.
Some of the things that I have read have indicated that hard cheeses, and the
higher fat dairy (like ice cream and butter) are the first things to try.
It's probably the casein (milk protein) that is bothering you.  That should
mean that you can use heavy cream and butter, but no other milk related
lactose is the sugar portion of milk.  Casein is the protien portion and
it's the one that does the damage to most celiacs along with gliadinn from
The celiac reaction in the gut is not an allergy- it is more like a poison (to
the lining of your small intestine).  Once the intestine is damaged, allergies
and immune reactions can develop elsewhere in your body.  If you eliminate
milk and wheat, oats, barley and rye  (and be careful about some of the exotic
grains which you will learn about from this list and elsewhere) your gut will
heal and your general digestion should improve.  Then, eggs probably won't
bother you.  Your skin problem sounds like  "DH"- dermatitis herpetiformis-
which is one of the complations of celiac.
I would be most interested in knowing if anybody contacts you regarding a
GF, milk and egg free drink as I need to gain weight.  Everything I have
checked on has soy.  I did find several of the type you are looking for but
right off hand do not remember the names of them.
Thanks for any info.

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Do you know what your blood type is?
It can be a helpful indicator of what it
is that is poisoning you.