<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

I want to thank everyone for their help.  I tried the Desitin but it made my
son scream and it peeled the skin off his bottom like a sunburn blister.  Next
I tried Maalox and it soothed him immensley.  I am PLEASED to say that next I
tried Emu Oil and within 24 hours his horrible burn-like rash is nearly
completely gone and no longer hurts in the least.  Of course it is not cheap
but my son's comfort is worth any price.  I wanted to share this with you.
Here is a summary of the responces I got.

I have used Bag Balm to heal various rash, cuts, abrasions and blisters

I haven't had that problem for two years now, but when I did, I used to find
relief with aloe vera gel

Just went thru this myself--go to a health food store and get the
homeopathic remedy APIS 30C give 2 pills under the tongue (or as near as
possible) every two hours--it will stop itching quickly and clear up in
a day or so.  Homeopathic remedies are safe and gf-

There's a product called "Dr.  Smith's Diaper rash ointment" that your
pharmacist can special order.  Put it on thick and the rash disappears like
magic.  Another idea is good lanolin.  or make your own ointment.  You get a
big jar of vaseline, put it in the top of a double boiler and add 1/2 ounce
of camomile and 1/2 ounce of nettles (dried herb) and cook it over simmering
water for about 4 hours or until the herb is "crackly".  Then strain through
cheesecloth and put it back in the jar.  This is a great ointment for
hemorrhoids and is very soothing for raw skin.

During the burned bottom phase, I avoided Desitin, which is impossible to wash
off without hurting the child, and other creams..... frequent warm baths. ..
might try a bit of Epsom Salt in the bath water, but ask the doctor first.

...put on petroleum jelly, let him run around without anything on

After every bowl movement, I use "flushable moist wipes with aloe by
Kleenex".  I can't begin to tell you how soothing these are to broken
bleedingtender skin (I tried Tucks Hemmeroid pads for his tender skin and it
has really helped)

You might try removing corn from his diet as well and/or dairy.

Try Aquaphor. This is a medicated vaseline that Walgreen's ordered upon my
request. At one point, I had used honey because of a rash that you described.
I read it helps burns, so I thought I would try it on the rash.  The rash
went away within a few days using the honey.  NOT sparingly :-)

  Sometimes blow drying the bottom (on low or no heat) helps clear up the
owies too.  If he gets to the point of taking a bath without screaming you
might try some baking soda in the water.

My friend gets a terrible reaction whenever she gets water on her skin and
olive oil is the only thing that works.
        I usually add a couple drops of lavender oil to it so it smells nice.
Any essential oil like clove oil will do.

Try to get him in a warm tub to bath the area.  Then pat him dry and dry the
area thoroughly with a hair dryer on warm or cool, whichever feels best to
him.  When it is completely, apply pure lanolin (most large drug stores carry
this in a tub).  This gets pretty sticky so use a cloth diaper on him rather
than a disposable one.

One thing I do is use emu oil on his bottom when I change his diaper.  It
is a natural emollient with no fragrances to increase the irritation.

....in a bath containing Spa & Bath
Oil from Melaleuca, Inc.  (Or use it straight on his rash.)  It contains
squalene, which is healing to irritated skin.  This product is very soothing
for skin irritations and sore muscles and can be used straight on chicken
pox and reduces the itching that accompanies the chicken pox rash.
Melaleuca has a web site where you can read about Spa & Bath Oil and their
other products at http://www.melaleuca.com .

We were told to use Maalox externally on the rash.  It worked great.

My pediatrician told me not to use wipes when kids have a rash -- use a warm
soft cloth and launder.

Vaseline (Petroleum Jelly) applied regularly will create a barrier between
the moisture/acid and his skin, but it does have to be wiped off after each
bathroom visit and applied regularly.

I'm treating it with Wedela Diaper Rash ointment (found @ most health food
stores), www.mannatech-inc.com that you can go to and find out more about
their products.