<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

I have received a number of responses to my post about how far I've come
in the year since my diagnosis.  Many echoed my sentiments and commented
on how nice it is to feel good.

To those newly diagnosed, hang on. If you haven't started to feel
better, you will soon.

Several asked the same basic questions, so I'd like to answer them here:

Regarding how to deal with the change to gf:
I found it easier to clean out all the gluten out of the house,
replacing it with gf products or not at all.  In the beginning, I did
basic, simple foods, using a few safe ingredients until I felt my way
around and knew what I was doing.  To keep my sanity, the whole house
went gf.  When one person is on a special diet, we all are.  the only
time I do anything that is not gf is when I bake cakes for our Sunday
Coffee hour at Church.  Somehow doing that removes my lusting over the
cakes.  The aroma is enough.

I'm glad I opened my mouth the the nutrionist about the leaky gut
syndrome and got the nutrional formula to heal it--I think that was the
single most impt thing (with the homeopathic remedy for gluten attacks--
email me privately for that name).

the formual for leaky gut==with EACH meal take
an l0blutamine capsule (an amino acid) and an acidophilus
capsule.  I used either megadophilus or Pro Biotics acidophilus.  You
can get them both at a health food store.  I suggest that you get a
"stable" acidophilus, that is, one that does not require refrigeration.
It makes it easier to carry it with you at all times  I was told that it
takes a month or two to heal and then cut down on the amt you take to
maintain the healty gut.

Where a favorite recipe cannot be made gf, find a new recipe that
tickles your palate and move on.  I can't even remember the recipe that
we used to use before I found a simple recipe for gf creamed spinach
(wash a pkg of spinach very well.  Blanch for 6 min in boilling water.
Chill and chop finely and squeeze out all liquid.  In a stainless steel
frying pan, saute lightly in a little oil or butter until hot.  Grate
nutmeg over the stop, add salt & pepper and enough sour cream to bind.
do not boil.  Really good)

Recognize that some recipes are going to give you trouble--cakes for
example, the sub. fours sometimes just don't work.

Lastly, keep a sense of humor and be grateful that finally you have a
diagnosis and an explanation as to why you've felt miserable all these
years.  Don't look back--there's no reason to.

god Bless