<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

Just returned from a trip on Continental, Newark/Tampa, and had a disturbing
experience re special meal order.  Obviously I ordered GF meals both ways and
what was served was marked as GF.  (We were also sitting in first class thanks
to our miles.)  Going down I was served a salad, accompanied by a bread stick,
plus 2 cellophane packages of "high gluten" wheat bread sticks, followed by a
cooked green pepper with a gloppy red sauce over it, and cous cous on the
side!  Now, I ask you!!  Returning home, there was a salad, then a cooked
chicken breastand green beans over cooked barley!  Where do these airline
caterers get their instructions as to what is Gluten Free?  Obviously they
don't have a clue as to what our diet is.  (Luckily I packed am emergency
snack, in case the meal served was inedible.  It's sad that we have to do

I plan to write a courteous but forceful letter to the Chairman of the
airline, since he's the person listed in their special magazine as the one to
whom we should address all complaints.  Guess we have to keep trying!  Has
anyone had any luck with their special meal orders on any of the American
based airlines?  Cherry Marshall