<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

Hi everyone:

In the summer I had written about my problems with hypothroid
and since so much has been asked about the correlation between celiac
disease and thyroid disease, numerous amounts of you wanted me to
post my progress.

Aug. 1, I started taking thyroid medication, which my endocinologist
suggested I do, even though, my TSH levels were, at the highest 8.5
(normal range is to 5.5).  He felt with all the other symptons we'll
give this a try, also my thyroid felt a little gravely to him, no
lumps though.  One of the common complaints with people with celiac
disease is fatigue, and I certainly had it, some days I would be so
tired, I could just sleep all day, and actually a few days before I
went to see this endocrinologist, I was on vacation and napped most
of the day!  Also the other complaint was, that we could not lose
weight no matter what.  For 6 months now, I have been exercising like
a demon, morning and night, eating fruit and veggies, and hadn't lost
an oz.  I couldn't figure it out, the endo. send I should be losing
weight as well. Well, I have been taking this 100 mg a day for 2 and
1/2 months, and I have not had one day where I have been fatigued
like I use to be!!!  I have energy (I have the normal tiredness,
because I'm up early, and I exercise alot) and a week ago at
Thanksgiving, I saw some of my family members that I have not seen
in months, and I had so many compliments on how much weight I've
lost!!!!! and how great I look.  And I must say, I noticed it to,
especially in my face, and stomach and legs!!!  I was soooooo
discouraged for so long, because I was working so hard and being so
disciplined and nothing to show for it, but now I know it can be
done.  My conclusion is that my metabolism was so messed up from
being undiagnosed with Celiac disease for most of my life (I've been
GF for 3 years now) that it was stuck in neutral and the medication
gave it a boost and shifted it into gear!!  And it is so nice not to
spend my weekends exhausted and sleeping most of the time.  And I
will be going to see my dr. next week to see what the levels are now
that I'm taking the thyroid medication.   I pray that it keeps up.
And to think if I hadn't of insisted that my gp send me to a
specilist, I may have continued this suffering for years to come.
From now on, if I feel like I need a second opinion, I will not
hesitate to get one.  I feel this was the answer for me.  Take care

Nova Scotia