<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

Dear List:
I cannot help but think that the stoicism that sets in after many years
of suffering from undiagnosed celiac disease is not unique to me.  I
know that some of the unraveling of medical dilemmas that we all
constantly face has been very much helped by people on this list sharing
experiences. So here goes:

I have had a great deal of trouble with pain in my legs.  Only some of
it is due to back problems of a structural nature.  Some was due to
celiac disease, and has been much alleviated by the diet.  I have been
in another round of physical therapy to correct my walk.  I wore shorts
instead of long pants to a recent session and the therapist's eyes
bulged when she saw the bruises on my thighs.

I get regular allergy shots (don't many of us celiacs suffer also from
allergies?) in the thigh so as not to interfere with my life as a
musician.  I have strong local reactions to these injections:  swelling,
bruising, itching, etc.  Shortened story:  It leads to tightening of the
muscles and poor function of the legs.

Solution:  From now on the shots will be administered in a part of the
anatomy that is not involved in walking or in playing an instrument.

Moral of the story:  Speak up, be resourceful, and be grateful if your
MD's are also resourceful!

Nancy in nyc