<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

Hi List,
Here is a summary of what I got back, alot of people told me of
Kinnikinnick, they claim to taste very close to the real thing. Also a
cereal from Ener-G foods, and to my surprise some offered a store here in
Iowa  Food For Thought, but that is the store that I have been going to -
the one with an hour and a half drive to get there.      One person, I am
sorry but I have to address you here - I deleted you before I thought.
One person told me that Kellogg's cereal with malt  in it was gf. Well, I
called the company and they told me that the Kellogg's Rice Krispies NO-
not a gf cereal.

About the medic alert bracelets - somebody wrote to tell me that they
have a clasp on them so if they get caught they will pop off. Great idea!
Not sure which way we will go yet.  Another idea was to take an old
medication bottle and put the information in/on it, ems persons look for
that - medications.    Thanks to all who responded, your help was
appreciated.   Kathy in Iowa