<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

>Imagine this.  One, only one, huge celiac organization in the US.  All
>celiacs support and belong to this organization.

I think unification is a lofty idea ... but the "worst case scenario"
is also something to ponder ...

In my case, I have watched the epilepsy community follow one
huge mega-organization. And they have led us very nearly straight
back to the Stone Age.

At first, the Epilepsy Foundation was good and kind and helpful.
They got clout and finally got research money -- from drug companies.
Over 80% of the $37Million raised last year came from drug
companies. Drug companies that have a much different agenda
than consumers. Drug companies that have used the foundation
as a mouthpiece, to warn against the evils of vitamins and supplements.

Last year, the Epilepsy Foundation came out with "new" safety
guidelines that recommended PwE  [people w/epilepsy] "avoid"
being in the kitchen and that it was "best" that PwE not use
silverware or real plates due to potential "accidents" .... Same
foundation that lambasted the keto diet  [curiously wheat free]
as "pure starvation -- we've seen kids going through the garbage
can at night"  ... that a week later, turned the other cheek and
took credit for the creation of the keto diet ....

What's my point?

Well, several, I guess.

1. competition is good. It keeps the other guy on their toes.

2. One big angry lump of 50,000 hungry celiacs might best be
harnassed for emailing/letter writing campaigns  -- while allowing
the  current hodgepodge of groups to "be left with" fundraising and
research.   [BTW, I've used the hungry thing very well recently.
I left a message a few weeks ago that said "I'm very hungry
and it is breakfast time and I would like to eat your product
in the next 15 minutes as its the only thing left in the cupboard.
please call back immediately to confirm GF status."  worked
like a charm ... ]

3. It can be done fairly easily. After a group of PwE expressed
similar frustration with the Epilepsy Foundation, we founded
our own nonprofit org. that is focused purely on advocacy.
We still keep bumping into the EFA at every corner, and we
still feel a little understaffed ... but we've also made some
strides in the advocacy department.

I'm not anti-unification; don't get me wrong. I'm all in favor
of  organizing a group is that is governed *by* celiacs,
*for* celiacs  ... It has just been my experience that if you
put all your eggs in one basket, it had darn well better
be the best basket around.

Tracey in Connecticut   GF lodging:  http://www.innseekers.com/feature.htm