<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

This is a much delayed summary about the GF status PTU and Synthroid.

At least six responses from the US and one from Canada show Synthroid as
GF.  It contains lactose.
Synthroid (for hypothroidism) is made by Knoll.
US: 1-201-887-8300
Quebec: 1-800-361-3362/8/9
Ontario: 1-800-268-4937
Manitoba and the Lakehead: 1-800-665-7315
Alberta & Saskatchewan: 1-800-661-1237
British Columbia: 1-800-661-1237

The only response I received on PTU was from Canada:
>The brand name manufacturer of PTU is Frosst and the CPS (Canada) lists it
>as gluten and lactose free.  It is sold under the brand-name of
>Propyl-Thyracil. I would suggest that you verify this information with
>Frosst.  Their toll-free number in Canada is 1-800-567-2594

As many of you suggested, I contacted Stokes Pharmacy in New Jersey
(1-800-754-5222, email: [log in to unmask], web site:
www.stokesrx.com).  The pharamacist there was wonderful.  He told me none
of the companies would guarantee GF status of PTU.  I guess this is the US
brands.  He has custom compounded the medicine for me in capsules.
Apparently, usually the cost for custom compounding is not that bad, but in
this case it is quite expensive.  I also bought the book Stokes has written
that compiles gluten and lactose information on US meds.  It costs $18 plus
$3 SH.  I highly recommend it.  It might be good for those emergency trips
to the doctor on days when pharmacies can't be contacted.

Another resource response:
>Regarding your medication, either your doctor or your pharmacist can contact
>the Campbell Drug Info. Center in North Carolina.  Because of liability laws
>they only will give info to medical professionals. #1-800-760-9697

As for responses about taking PTU with a nursing baby.  Studies since 1980
have shown that minimal amounts of PTU are passed in the breast milk and
some US doctors feel comfortable prescribing it for nursing mothers.  On
the off chance you are in the same situation I am, contact your local La
Leche League for more info on taking medications while nursing.

Thanks for all of your help,