<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

>I've got DH & the kind of color blindness that you describe.
>Jim - Webster, TX

>This has been a trip about the colors I have always had color problems.

>I'm a blood tested celiac (four years without bagels), and I'm also "color
>confused," which I think is the same as red-green deficiency.  My sister has
>the same deficiency though is not interested in being tested for celiac.
>My father had the same deficiency.  We always said he was color blind.  He
>died many years ago of cancer that started in the small intestine and spread
>to his liver.  Sounds to me as if he was a celiac.
>None of us have any celiac symptom so mine was diagnosed accidentally.
>You may be on to something.

>My eyes passed the Air Force pilot's exam many years ago (the rest of me did
>not), so I think my color vision is ok.  I have not noticed any change in
>color vision, before or after going GF.
>Gary, in Kansas

What did this accomplish?  I have no idea.  If someone decides to research
this concept it may come to something, or may be utterly useless.  Gayle K