<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

I am sorry I am late in getting this summary to the list.

I had received a response from Robert Rothschild Gourmet Foods in which
they stated that their Balsamic vinegar was not gluten-free because it has
sulfides in it.

The concenses from the replys that I received was that sulfides do not
contain gluten.  Several thought the rep or vendor were mistaken which is
what I was feeling.  A few people mentioned that, while they did not
believe there was gluten in Balsamic Vinegar, some people had an allergic
reaction to it.

One person sent the following definition of sulfides:
In the Comsumer's Dictionary of Food Additives, by Ruth Winter, MS...
Sulfides: inorganic sulfur compounds that occur free or in combination with
minerals. They are salts of weak acid & are used in dyes and hair dissolving
agents in depilatories. They are skin irritants.

Judy Smith
Kent, WA