<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

Hi all - Thanks to everyone who shared information and experiences with me.
The responses are included below. I'm doing a bit better - haven't taken
any antibiotics and have been taking acidophilus.

I'm curious about one of the responses below - the one commenting that
gluten antibody blood tests might not be useful for people who have DH
because the gluten is deposited in the skin. Does anyone have additional
information on this? I'm down to about 25 mg of Dapsone every other week,
and I haven't had the rash since going gf last summer.

Thanks again!

Chris Silker
Plymouth MN
I'd like to offer an explanation! Since your CD is resolving and your gut
is improving, you have better absorption. Ergo, your antibiotic is being
better absorbed as well. SO you're beginning to see the after effects of
too much antibiotic! Thus, stopping the drugs should cause the diarrhea to
resolve as you have yourself observed.
All my problems started after taking antibiotics.  They can really
rearrange the intestinal flora, and I wonder what else since I developed
several food allergies and intolerances in a short time.  Lactose was the
first thing I tried eliminating but it had no effect because I was still
eating wheat and soy which I'm also intolerant of.  If you don't continue
to improve I'd do elimination tests and see if you might have developed a
new intolerance- hope not-
I don't know if this will help but all of my blood tests came back
negative, yet my endoscopy showed severe damage to my lower intestine.

I started showing symptoms at Christmas and it only took 3 months to
diagnose Coeliacs, so it may not have been long enough for any anti-bodies
to have been produced.
Bette Hagman in her book, "The Gluten-Free Gourmet cooks Fast & Healthy"
answers the 17 most asked questions about celiac disease.

She tells how even though she went on the gluten-free diet she still had
diarrhead.  After much hassle with the Drs., they found out she had "pancretic
insufficiency" which is treatable.

Get the book (either at your library or at your bookstore) - read about Bette
Hagman's experience and ask your doctor if this could be the problem.
I am in the same boat. My only symptom was diarrhea.   I had good
results going GF and then, gradually, the diarrhea came back -- very
discouraging.  I just had an endoscopy yesterday so won't know the results
for a few days.  I ate Glutens yesterday and while I don't feel any worse,
my stool turned completely 100% water.  So I am going to go back to GF
status, but that is not the answer, because as GF as I can get, I still
have unformed stool.  Don't know what to do.  When GF doesn't work, what's
left?  Cortisone?  (Has side effects).
Depending how long you were Celiac before being diagnosed, maybe the doctors
are just being extra careful as there's always that danger of lymphoma.  It
probably wouldn't hurt to have them do the endoscopy as there are other things
they can test for that cause diarrhea, such as parasites, etc.
After six weeks I doubled medication that I was on and then I began to have
diarrhea. I took two years of tests before I foound out what the cause was.
My husband has severe diarrhea caused when he used to take some antibiotics
and he does not have CD. The extra biopsies showed that I had not been
eating gluten and not being aware of it.
I really don't know much about Paxil, but when one of my girlfriends was
taking this, she had the same problem with diarrhea--she does not have
CD--and she never experienced the problem before taking Paxil. I think
it's worth considering this as a source of the problem, especially
considering you've upped your dosage.  Final note: my friend's diarrhea
eventually subsided.
Although I don't know specifically about the drugs you mentioned, diarrhea is
a common side effect of many antibiotics.
I had a similar experience and after some time I discovered that I could not
tolerate Canola oil. I believe this is a common problem with celiacs.
it is my understanding that the panel of blood tests for CD are not
appropriate if you have DH because the antibodies only show up in the skin
and not the blood.  Are you dairy-free?  I have DH and have recently come
off dairy products for the reasons you mention.
I haven't had any problems... but if you have rosacea you can use a topical
product called metrogel or metrocream.. at least you will not have to deal
with stomach upset =o)
Have you had any new stress in your life lately?  My stress seems to settle
in my stomach, intestines, and sometimes in the form of headaches.  Have your
doctors mentioned irritable bowel syndrome?  That's what mine diagnosed.
Dear Chris, It would seem that if you had been taking Paxil for quite a
while, it wouldn't bother you at this point, but I took just one a few
years ago and I got extremely hyper and had diahhrea and dry heaves.  I
wonder if cutting out the other meds. puts more of this into your system in
some way, or the other meds. cut any stomach effects from it..
Antidepressants are notorious for having stomach upset effects.  I had been
having quite a problem with multiple bowel movements, esp. in the morning,
in small, loose amounts, sometimes diahhrea.  My doctors have chalked my
problems up to stress.  I am going through severe personal problems.  I
have been taking Mettamucil for about 2 weeks now after supper and now I
only have about 2 bowel movements shortly after I get up and they have been
medium amounts and well formed.  If seems funny to have a laxative for
diahhrea, but this bulks up your stools.  If you remember, I posted last
month that I went to the nurse pract. at my  g.i. doctor and she prescribed
Citrucel.  I found out from the company that it contained gluten and she,
the nurse, said, "Well, Take a little less then."  I told my doctor about
that ,and of course he had no comment.  I don't want to see her anymore,
even though I have had to go 25 miles to  my doctor's other office, where
he is on rotation, twice lately, while his other office is about a mile
from my house.  I hope to hear how you are doing.  Good luck to you.
Just some thoughts.....According to PROFESSIONAL'S GUIDE TO PATIENT
DRUG FACTS  by Facts and Comparisons , a book I got through Reader's Digest,
side effects for Paxil  include Nausea, diarrhea.....among many other possible
side effects.  I did not find any referances to your other medications in that
book(from 1995)  but I was wondering if your problems could be the combination
of the medications or your increase in dosage.
     Do you know why your GI wants to do another endoscopy?  I would wait if
the diarrhea is getting better.  I would want to know what he is trying to
look for with another endoscopy.
In repley to your question, I don't think you need another Endoscopy this
soon after the last one for your symptoms. However, If you still need to
take Dapsone for DH you are still getting gluten in your system. In my
opinion, and others that I have talked to we firmly believe this. I was on
Dapsone or twenty years and didn't find out until recently all the side
affects that it can have. The most severe one is reducing most of the
muscle tone in your bowel. The day they told me I was also a Celiac,12
years ago, I went off Dapsone cold turkey, never to take another pill.

I believe you still have something in your diet. If not, your system is
still upset. You might think about other allergies. I got the same syptoms
as CD last year, and come to find out I am allergic to soy.

I hope this might help. Again find a way to get off of the Dapsone.
I always have trouble with taking antibiotics, any kind. SO in order to stop
the problem before it starts I take an acidolphilius capsule with every
dose of anitbiotic and that stops the problem.
I haven't been on antibiotics since diagnosed or the other drug mentioned but
I feel antibiotics affect everyone differently and if things are starting to
improve, I would give it time. Take acidophilus or eat yogart if you can.
You could also have had a viral or bacterial infection.  We are not immune to
the 'normal' plagues out there.  I'm surprised your doctor was so willing to
do anything else.
I've had miserable reactions to several oral antibiotics, with nausea and
diarrhea being the most prominent miseries. It could be the antibiotic in
your case, too, or perhaps it could be that one of the inert ingredients in
your medication does actually involve gluten. Wheat flour is sometimes used
as a filler or binder, or in the coating. Check with the manufacturer or,
if they are helpful sorts, your doctors or pharmacists.

I've been using a topical antibiotic, Metrocream, for my rosacea for 3
years now, with noticeable improvement. It doesn't work for everybody, but
maybe you could try it (if you haven't already). I have no connection with
this med, except to use it without problems.