<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

Hi all. As many of you know, Shavu'ot (Feast of Weeks) is coming up Sat
night and Sun coming. For those of you dying for good cheese cake
recipes, I have 2 that I just tried and IMHO I think you'll love them
too so I'll share them here. The flour mix I use I have posted before.
I wish I knew who originally posted it to the list (it was one of the
1st recipes I saw when I joined this list 2 years ago). The mix has
made so many otherwise forbidden foods GF now and my son (the celiac in
our family) can eat yummy things too. Actually us wheateaters can
hardly tell the diff! I wish I knew who to thank... It can be used as
reg. flour would in regular recipes for: ice cream cones,  cakes,
cookies (rolled, drop, bar, sliced, folded), quick bread, donuts, pizza
crust, noodles, bread, pie crusts, biscuits,  pancakes and waffles,
crepes, breading for fried foods, thickener for soups and sauces.
Flour mix:
1 C Brown rice                  2/3 C Tapioca Starch
2 tsp xantham or guar gum       3/4 C Sweet rice
1 1/4 C  White rice                 1/3 C Corn Starch
1/4 c. potato starch flour

Now for the cheese cakes: Both are suitable for 9"x9" pans or round
pans with same volume.
Part A:
slightly less than 3/4c. vegetable marg.
2 1/2 c. flour mix
2 tsp. GF baking powder
1/2 tsp. salt
2 eggs
1/2 c. sugar
Mix this well and press 3/4 of it into base of ungreased pan.
Bake at about 350 deg. for 15 min or until firm to the touch. Let cool.
Put the other 1/4 of the "base mix" into a sauce pan and "cook" over
low heat stirring constantly and breaking up clumps until you get a
crumb mixture that slightly browned. Set aside.
Part B:
slightly less than 1 1/2c milk marg.
1c. sugar
2 eggs
3TBSP vanilla sugar
Cream this with electric mixer until thick and creamy.
To this mixture, add 3c. sour cream. Mix well by hand. Spread on baked
base. Sprinkle the crumbs over the top and refrigerate at least 3 hours.

Part A:
2 eggs, separated
1/3 c. sugar
2 tsp. lemon juice
1 tsp. grated lemon peel
Beat whites with sugar until stiff. Set aside. Beat yolks with rest of
ingredients until stiff like mayonaise. Combine the 2 mixtures with a
fork. Add 1/3c. flour mix and 1/2 tsp. GF baking powder. Pour in
greased pan and bake about 10 min at 375 deg.
Part B:
750gr. soft white (spreadable) cheese
4 eggs, separated
1 c. sugar
1 large lemon (juice and peel)
1 heaping TBSP cornflour (cornstarch)
Beat whites with 1/2 of the sugar until stiff. Beat yellows with rest
of sugar, cheese, lemon and cornflour. Add 1/2 of white mixture to
yellow, mixing well. Pour on base. Pour rest of whites on top of that.
Bake all in slow oven (300-325 deg.) for an hour. Turn off the heat and
let it sit inside warm oven for another half hour. At this point, you
can refrig. as is or you can top it all off with GF cherry or
strawberry pie filling and then store in fridge.

Hag same'ach!
Sharon Marcus