<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

Dear Listmembers

Regarding my post of my son's depression I had 35 replies.  Thanks to each
and everyone.  I'm sure you will understand that due to circumstances here
it is impossible for me to thank each of you personally.

Of the replies received over half reported depression (23)
Suicidal depression

   All said that diet helped - 5 cases said that other similar problems
developed some time after going gf causing depression symptoms.  (One from
ingesting corn, one from potatoes, one from soy, one from sugar - the
other not yet sure what started the depression).

Three were unable to tolerate any antidepressants.  Nine were continuing
the diet and antidepressants

Two suggested dental problems from fillings.  We will check into this at a
later date.  Right now we're seeing a slow improvement in attitude and
appetite but there's a long way to go.

Two suggested therapy (not an option at this point)

Three suggested blood tests (again not an option yet)

Two said forget the tests just start the diet (which we have done).  As one
respondent said "If it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck and acts like
a duck. Then it is a duck"

For all those who expressed sympathy, my deepest thanks.  I will post on
any positive change.

Jean in Alberta