<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

Several of you asked about making gefite fish, so I'm posting this for
everyone.  The only problem with home made is that you make a lot, buying
it in smaller quantities commercially solves that problem.  With the advent
of food processers, making gefilte fish at home is easy, except that the
entire house smells delicious, if you like that smell.

This recipe is modified from the Joy of Cooking.

3 lb fish  - salmon, white fish, etc (use 2 or 3 kinds of fish, both fatty
and lean, salmon makes pink fish balls, whitefish from the east coast is
traditional, here in California I use cod and salmon.)
3 large onions
1 egg
3t salt (or more)
1/4 c potato starch or g-f flour
lots of pepper

place fish skin/bones/head in a large pot with water to cover, add 2
carrots sliced thin and one onion sliced thin.  Boil.

Process all ingredients in food processor. Form fish balls either small or
large as you like, drop into boiling stock and simmer for 2 hours.  Remove
fish balls to bowl, reduce stock, strain over fish and refrigerate.  I like
it when the stock gels a bit.  Serve cold with horseradish.

Ellen Switkes
Oakland, Ca