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Hello, everybody,
     Just read a new article that I thought others might be interested
in. A preliminary study has just been published that indicates that
those who eat lots of salt actually live longer than those who avoid
it. So many celiacs ask for lower sodium products - this article
certainly raises some interesting questions.
     The title is "Dietary Sodium Intake and Mortality:
the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES I)," by
Michael H. Alderman, Hillel Cohen and Shantha Madhavan. It is
published in The Lancet, volume 351, number 9105, 14 March, 1998.
     The good news is that the entire text can be accessed through the
Lancet's website:
    Subscription to The Lancet Online is free through April 22.
     A good summary for laymen by Reuters is available at
     Look for it under "Earlier Stories". The title is "Higher salt
intake linked to longevity."
     Regards to all, Mary in NYC.