<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

Dear All,

I experimented on Sunday with "glutinous rice powder",
trying to make a simple Corn Bread Loaf.  The result was
very good, so I thought I'd put the recipe on the list for
anyone else who might like to experiment with it.  I have
not yet had time to translate it into any other measures
than the ones I normally work with.

Corn Bread


50 g polenta
50 g corn flour
175 g fine corn meal
75 g unpolished sesame seeds
3 tbs glutinous rice powder (this is exceptionally fine and
obtained from our local Chinese supermarket)
2 tbs oil (I use virgin olive oil but I expect other oil will do)
0.5 tsp salt
0.5 tsp honey
250 ml water
1 medium egg
1 tbs dried yeast


Mix the glutinous rice flour and oil together, heat and add
100 mls water.  Stir and cook until a revolting substance
(like worn out chewing gum which has had an accident) is
produced.  Take off the heat and leave to cool.  Make up
150 mls of water to 40C, add the honey and dried yeast and
leave in a warm place to start working.
Once the glutinous flour mix is cool enough to start
working with, add the sesame seed and mix in.  In a
reasonably sized bowl (this takes a bit of working) measure
up the other dry ingredients, and mix well. Mix in the
glutinous rice mass and clean up the pan with part of the
dry corn flour mix, until as much as possible of the mix is
now in the bowl.  Mix the rice flour mass and the dry
ingredients together until you get a crumb-like structure.
Add the egg and the yeast mix, once the latter is working
well.  Mix well until a smooth dropping consistency is
achieved.  Pour the mix into a greased and floured bread
form (I used polenta to flour mine =96 this was a mistake as
it left the outside of the loaf slightly gritty).

Allow to rise until the bread form is nearly filled by the mix.

Bake at 200C for 45 min.

If you like corn bread you=92ll like this (personally I don=92t
but Karin says it is =93excellent=94).  Once cold it slices
easily and has a real crust.



David J Walland
University of Bristol Radiation Protection Adviser
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