<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

Hello Listmembers.

  Recently I have gotten alot of inquires about my sister and I
thought I would let you all know what was going on.

  She recently went to Baltimore and had her pre op tests done. And
it looks like the cancer is only in 2 ulcers in her stomach the
results from the biopsy will be in, in about a week. Other than those
2 places she is clean.

  Hopefully she will receive a doner lymphocite infusion with my
brother as the donator.  Fortunatelly and Unfortunatelly he is a
perfect match for her and did donate the bone marrow for her first
bone marrow transplant. The unfortunate side of this is, because he
is a perfect match his risk for celiac sprue has be upgraded to a 40%
chance.  He will be biopsyed on the 16th of this month.  He has no
symptoms and his blood test came back negative but as we all know the
biopsy is the real tell all. If he does have celiac disease then he
won't be able to donate the lymphocites because it would be like
giving her a double dose of celiac disease, her next option is to get
another bone marrow transplant from an unrelated doner her chances
on finding a match are about 1 in 10,000.

  For those of you new to the list my sister had to have a bone marrow
transplant becuase of  getting non hodgekins lymphoma as a result of
not staying on her GF diet. When she was first diagnosed they didn't
know enough about this disease to tell her to stay TOTALLY GF.  If any
of you have celiac and don't have severe symptoms and occasionally
have that piece of toast you want. I am here to tell you DON'T DO IT!.
Even though you may not feel the repercussions at that time in the
end it causes more damage than anyone should have to deal with.  I
never want to hear or see of anyone else going though what she has
been through in the past 2 years. We know enough about this disease to
know to stay totally GF.  I will keep you updated,

  Thank you for all of you support and prayers

  Beth Streeter