<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

Hello Everyone-

First off, much thanks to everyone who responded to my queries for
recipes/tips for Jowar flour and for a homemade recipe for 3 Musketeers
type thing.

Unfortunately, most of the responses I got were other folks who didn't
know what to do with their Jowar flour :)  I did, however, get one
ingredient list and some tips which will be shown below.  I began
experimenting on my own-see end of post for info.

As for the 3 Musketeers thing, someone pointed me towards a book which
had a recipe-more on this later.

Tips etc. for Jowar flour:

from Jo Ann:

Jowar flour is good in anything you want to use it for. makes good gravy
and brownies.
one can get all kinds of recipes from them. they do have a 800 # and they
are located in TX. I have all the info at my home in TN but right now I
am in south TX untill the 1st of March.  they also on the web . Most
likely someone out there has the #

from Kathleen Shipley:

I read your post about Jowar flour.  I really like it. It has a somewhat
sweet or nutty taste.  I use it to coat chicken pieces and pork chops
before frying or baking.  I have few recipes that came with my flour when I
ordered it from the Gluten-Free Pantry (Chocolate Jowar Cake, Light Lemon
Jowar Ring, Cinnamon Raisin Coffeecake,etc.).

from Karen:

I Took a recipe from Authentic Foods recipe booklet and substituted Jowar for
the white rice flour as I am trying to have no rice and no corn days.  The
bread was as good as any gf bread I have had, and better than some.  The
recipe follows with my variations.

Bread Mix
By Bob Meeham

2 cups white rice flour
11/4 cups of bean flour
21/2tsp Xanthan Gum
3Tbsp sugar
11/2tsp salt
1Tbsp Egg Replacer
1/2 dry milk
1 large egg or 2 egg whites
1tsp cider vinegar
3tbsp oil
11/2c of warm water
1 pkt of yeast

I substituted Jowar flour for the white rice flour, used dairyfree dry
instead of dry milk and used 1 and 1/2 pkt of yeast leaving the rest of the
recipe the same.

Note: I do not have the instructions for this recipe-the above is all.

from Jennie:

My daughter has done science fair projects on gluten free flours for the
past three years.

Sorghum flour is just fine.  You can use it plain for all the flour in a
recipe or use it half and half with rice flour or use it in a mix of 1/3
rice flour, 1/3 brown rice flour and 1/3 sorghum.  If you use xanthan gum,
use it in the same proportion you usually use, or if it is all sorghum, try
slightly less xanthan (or guar).

from Geoff Thomas of Jowar Foods:

send us your mailing address and we will send you a series of recipes to
use with jowar flour. Our new complete cookbook will be out soon. In the
meantime until you get the recipes, you can substitute jowar flour
volume for volume for the mixes of pother flours in GF recipes. A good
all purpose flour mix for cakes cookies etc is 3/4 cup jowar flour with
1/4 cup of tapioca flour. Use this mix im place of rice flour, potato
flour etc. Also note that due to its excellent crusting and browning
ability jowar makes an excellent flour to bread, meat, chicken
and fish with.

On my candy request, Pam in IL pointed me towards a cookbook entitled
"More Top Secret Recipes" by Tom Wilbur.  It contains a recipe for 3
Musketeers bars.  The recipe contains corn syrup, but I simply made a
sugar syrup instead.  I tried this recipe and it worked okay....not
perfect, but still pretty good-I think it suffered from my relative lack
of candy making experience :)  If anyone wants this recipe, please email
me privately.

Also contained in the aforementioned book is  a recipe for "Cinnabon
Cinnamon Rolls" (you know, those stores at the mall that you can smell
from around the corner...).  So I set to work trying to convert it using
a mix of flours including JOWAR.  After 2 attempts I am close, (don't get
me wrong, they're pretty darn good) but not perfect.  Since I haven't
perfected the recipe, I'm not going to post it, BUT if you would like the
"imperfect" version, please email me privately.

Much thanks again to all who responded!

ps-I will continue to experiment with Jowar flour on my own and will post
any successes to the list!

Andrea Gould
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Claremont, CA