<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

In December the Center For Celiac Research (CFCR) posted notification of
the above meeting to be sponsored by the National Institutes of
Diabetes, Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK), a branch of the
National Institute Of Health (NIH).

We are pleased to update that announcement with the following informaton
from the NIDDK:

The Digestive Diseases Interagency Coordinating Committee (DDICC) of the
National Institutes of Diabetes, Digestive and Kidney Diseases will
sponsor a meeting on March 10, 1998.  The topic of the meeting will be
Celiac Disease Research Sponsored by the Federal Government.

The DDICC is a congressionally mandated trans-government committee,
which has as its mission the coordination of all government sponsored
activities in the area of digestive diseases.  It is therefore, mainly a
policy determining and coordinating committee.  Its actions are based on
state-of-the-art of digestive diseases research and recommendations from
the scientific community.

The tentative schedule for the meeting is to have Dr. Alessio Fasano,
University of Maryland CFCR; Dr. Martin Kagnoff, University Of
California, San Diego; and Dr. Joseph Murray, University of Iowa
represent the scientific community to prove a state-of-the-art
discussion; and, Dr. Frank Hamilton, NIH, to provide a summary of NIH
support.  Each of the scientific panel will be given a specified period
of time to present their information to the members of the DDICC.

A brief period of discussion will follow.  Subsequently, the meeting
will go into closed session.

Specific time and place may not be available until later this month and
we will post when it is.

For further information - when available - please contact Pat Hamilton
at Cygnus Corporation, 301-231-7537.