<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

I, too, had a biopsy at the end of September for CD. I had been on a
gluten free diet for 2 1/2 months. Two weeks prior to the biopsy, my
doctor said to eat food with gluten in it--a couple of pieces of bread
each day should do it. I had been eating oatmeal during that 2 1/2
months period, so he said I really wasn't totally gluten free.

My results were just like Pat's & Abigail's  who wrote
earlier...NEGATIVE. I was relieved in some ways, but also confused. I
feel so much better when I don't eat gluten. The doctor said there was
absolutely no evidence of damaged villi in the small intestines. After
reading Abigail's story, however, perhaps I should pursue this more with
the pathologist.

My doctor did concede that I could have gluten intolerance and that if I
felt better not eating gluten, then I could certainly remain GF. The
difference for me will be that the villi won't be damaged as in someone
with CD. I won't have to be as strict as most...if some gluten is hidden
in some product, then it won't do any damage, just make me feel bad. His
confidence that I don't have CD is even greater since I tested negative
for wheat allergies (I had both RAST & scratch tests done).

The doctor I saw is one of the top CD doctors in Houston. He came highly
recommended by another CD person. I like him alot and think he knows his

My concern is that the two week challenge I did wasn't enough, having
been GF (except for oats) for 2 1/2 months.

I am lactose intolerant, so maybe I'm gluten intolerant, too. I've also
got all kinds of other health issues that affect the abdominal region
(endometriosis with bowel involvement, lupus-has shown up now in my gut,
hypothyrodism). I also have fibromyalgia, food, chemical & inhalent
allergies, candida...

It's too big a puzzle for me to figure out alone. Any thoughts or
suggestions would be really appreciated. Thanks.

Elizabeth in Houston TX