<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

The long story made short:  I had a celiac diagnosis, did well on the diet,
but two years later the biopsy and serum tests were negative.  My family
doctor at the time of the negative tests recommended I get counseling.  I'm
now doing an extended gluten challenge and looking for a doctor willing to
help me find a diagnosis.  Constipation is my main celiac symptom.

The current problem:  Last week I had an episode of such severe overall
abdominal pain all day long that I thought I was headed to the emergency
room.  The pain localized in the evening to lower left abdomen, so I
thought it was the ovarian cyst I have been told over the years that I

The next day when I felt better my family physician was able to see me.
Upon examination he found the lower left sore spot and said, "It's
sigmoid."  (I replied, "Are we talking counseling again?  That Sigmoid
Frund guy?"  He appreciated the humor, which was nice.  A little of my
faith was restored.)  He then recommended I start taking Senekot.

Well, Senekot unleashed over 24 hours of what I've always thought of as the
"celiac pain"--crampy, makes my fingertips go numb, agonizing pain in waves
like labor--and of course most frequent trips to the bathroom.  I finally
took Immodium so I could celebrate the Fourth of July with my family, and
things calmed down.

So my question:  can any of you tell me more about the sigmoid (which I at
least understand is the s-curve toward the end of the colon), and has
anyone else encountered problems of this type in the celiac journey?

And have other people with celiac experienced terrible reactions to
laxatives?  I've always had pain and bowel spasms that won't quit when I've
taken laxatives--it's like the bowel is trying to pass something even when
there's nothing left to pass.

This is a somewhat indelicate post.  :{  I hope I'm not offending anyone.

Any feedback is greatly appreciated.

Walla Walla