<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

Thanks to all who responded to my questions pertaining to a 'negative'
diagnosis using a blood test.  Many folks simply said if Gluten Free works,
why bother with the biopsy.  Others recommended the 'experts' in Maryland,
and I would appreciate the address and phone number if anyone has it.  The
most interesting comment was:

>Did he take two blood samples.  Did he have one sample refrigerator and the
other room temperature?  This is a sign that the blood test was reliable.<

Gee, I don't know about the refrigeration, I know my blood was drawn at the
Hospital, and was  the results were mailed to the Dr.  I think I will stay
Gluten Free for the summer, and see how I feel (which is much better than
before).. then re-assess come Sept.  The only drawback to this, is that I
dread the 'tired' feeling if I have to go back "on" gluten for a test.
That is my busy time, and I may not be able to face it.

I am reading the only book in our local library about a Gluten Free diet,
circa 1976.  It says to avoid  ' Instant Coffee'.... hmmm, don't know if I
can do that, but I guess I COULD brew up a pot daily... is this true..???  I
hope to remember to call the 800 number on the jar tomorrow.. but I value
YOUR input rather than the person on their phone lines.

Pat Coulter