<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

I am very lazy and love to use the FAvorite White Bread mix from The Gluten-
Free Pantry in Conn. I have an old Wellbuilt programable machine, but I always
use yeast/white bread setting and let it rise twice. I push the start button,
go away from home and come back to delicious bread every time. The paddle
does bake into the bread and I know you can take it out before the bake
cycle, but I'm usually not home to do it. The machine has a cool down cycle
and I've never had mushy bread, or unevenly baked bread. It is expensive,
but I allow myself that luxury, as it tastes SO GOOD. I have a slicer and end
up freezing 2 pieces together in zip lock bags. I microwave these before
eating and they tase freshly baked and don't crumble.
        I also have a bread bag with a fold down velcro closing, but if I
leave the bread too long, it is so moist, it gets moldy. I prefer to freeze it.
        I hope this is helpful to others. Once I mixed  the mixture in the
machine and baked in the oven, but it was too dry, as I didn't know the
proper time to bake! Lynn