<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

I have an awsome mail order company!  It's called Maxson's Mixes, they are
based in Canada, and are cheaper than The Gluten-Free Pantry ($2.40 per bag
in US$).

Our favorites are the muffin mix and pancake mix.  For the muffin mix, I add
extra sugar, bananas and cinnamon, and my 2 and 5 year olds can't get enough!
They sell mixes for muffins, pancakes/waffles, brownies, bread and cornbread.

The only problem is that they don't take credit cards, you have to send a
check, and it sometimes takes 2 or 3 weeks to get the order (it's worth the

Their address is:
Maxson's Mixes
2611 Watson Road
Navan, Ontario
Canada, K4B 1J1

Phone:  1-613-835-3988
E-mail:  [log in to unmask]
Web page:  http://infoweb.magi.com/~maxsonii

I have no affiliation to the company.

Toni Telepman - Florida
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