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                             Recipe Page


                   Mrs. Symon's Coffee Cake/Muffins

Batter                            3 eggs
------                            1-1/2  tsp. GF vanilla
3 cups GF flour mix**             1-1/2 cups sour cream
1-1/2 cups sugar
1-1/2  tsp. GF baking powder
1-1/2 tsp. GF baking soda         Filling
1/4 tsp. salt                     -------
1 tsp. xanthan gum                3/4 cup brown sugar
1-1/2 sticks (3/4 cup) butter     1 cup nuts (optional)
   or 1/2 cup yogurt              2 tsp. cinnamon

Mix the batter well.  Mix the filling in a separate bowl.

For coffee cake:  Spray a tube or bundt pan with GF cooking spray.
Pour half the batter in the pan.  Sprinkle with 2/3 of the filling.
Add the remaining batter, then top with the remaining filling.  Bake
at 350 F for one hour.

For muffins:  Spray tins with GF cooking spray.  Fill each tin 1/3
full with batter, add some filling, then more batter to make each tin
3/4 full.  Top each muffin with filling.  Bake at 350 degrees F for
15-20 minutes.

This recipe comes to us from long-time member and group-founder Kathy
Davis.  (This makes a LARGE batch of muffins.)


                     Finnish Cake (Fruit & Cream)

1 cup eggs (about 5 large),       3/4 tsp. GF baking powder
   room temperature               1 tsp. GF vanilla
1 cup sugar (granulated)          1 pint whipping cream
1/2 cup potato starch             any chopped & sweetened fruit or
1/2 cup white rice flour             preserves

Whip the eggs and sugar at high speed for 20 minutes.  (A Kitchen-Aide
mixer works great.)  Sift the flours with the baking powder and then
fold them into the mixture.  Add the vanilla.

Pour the mixture into 2 8x8 inch, greased & GF-floured cake pans.
Bake at 325 degrees F for 30-35 minutes.  The cakes should spring back
and be golden brown when done.

Let the cakes cool in the pans for 10-15 minutes, then gently loosen
the edges with a sharp knife.  Invert the pans onto cooling racks.
Remove the cakes from the pans when they are completely cooled.

Slice each layer in half to make a total of 4 layers.  Whip the cream
(add sugar & vanilla to taste) and set aside.  Place fruit and whipped
cream between the cake layers.  Decorate with whipped cream & fresh or
canned fruit (kiwi, mandarin oranges, strawberries, etc.)

This recipe comes to us from a recent meeting.  [It was unsigned.  If
the author steps forward, I'll give credit in the next


                          Pineapple Nut Cake

Cake                              Frosting
----                              --------
2 cups GF flour mix**             1 cup powdered sugar (add more to be
2 cups sugar                         thicker)
1 tsp. xanthan gum                1 3-oz. pkg. cream cheese
2 eggs, beaten                    1/2 stick (4 Tbsp.) margarine
2 tsp. baking soda                1 tsp. GF vanilla
1 20-oz. can crushed pineapple,
   including the juice
1 tsp. GF vanilla
1 cup chopped walnuts

Mix all the cake ingredients together by hand.  (Do not use a mixer.)
Pour the mixture into an ungreased sheet cake pan (approximately 11x17
inches).  Bake at 350 degrees F for 35-40 minutes.

Mix the frosting ingredients together and pour the frosting over the
cake while it is still slightly warm.

If you want a real treat, warm the cake slightly before eating and add
a scoop of GF vanilla ice cream.

This recipe comes to us from our March meeting.  [It was unsigned.  If
the author steps forward, I'll give credit in the next


** GF flour mix:
   6 cups white rice flour
   2 cups potato starch (NOT the same as potato flour)
   1 cup tapioca starch (also called tapioca flour)
