<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

I was diagnosed celiac last year by a naturopathic physician, (yes, I
realize this is not a M.D.)   The only lab test he ran was called an
"Adrenilin Stress Test", (my end of it was sticking a special piece
of cotton under my tongue four times a day, two days, I think,
placiing them in sterile containers & mailing them express to a lab
in Washington State).   I have no doubt whatsoever about the
diagnosis.   Wheat appeals to me no more than Drano at this point.

While I still thought I was dying, I sent my oldest child to live
with my parents.   When I got the diagnosis and my health started to
improve, I explained CD to my mom.   She tried the diet herself,
without any attempt to acquire a diagnosis, and has now been very
nearly wheat free and thankful for about six months.

I moved to North Carolina to be closer to my parents & other
relatives less than a month ago, and have brought my 9 yr old son
home to live with me.

Carl has always been an achy child.   He's complained of stomach
aches, headaches, and random pain since he could talk.   He does
sometimes, at least, have loose stools, (hard to get a good
generalization about that -- he found out I was interested, and
promptly learned to flush).    He has been diagnosed ADD,
but his reactions to the medications are a disaster, (We're not
supposed to get eight hours of ritalin rebound).

What I'm seeing on the list, (I am new to this, still -- less than a
year since I found out what CD is), tells me that I really need to
get him tested, but I am having a good deal of trouble

A.  convincing Carl's physician that there is reason to test him and

B.   providing him with the proper names of acceptible tests for the

Could someone tell me if the Adrenalin Stress Test is a recognized
form of diagnosis?

Could someone please send me the complete names of the blood tests,
(the pediatrician won't even consider a biopsy)?

Also,  is there a celiac support group in the Raliegh/Durham, N.C.,
("Research Triangle") area?   (I actually live in Cary).

Thanks for the list, the web pages, and all the info I have recieved
& am about to get.

Ellen Gold  ([log in to unmask])
Cary, NC

 Rosetta Stone

 The Music is the Magick