<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

Hi everyone-a couple of days ago I asked if people who started out just
with DH symptoms could, after being gf for a while, develop the gi signs
associated with "classic" cd when they had an accidental exposure. SO far
the answer has been a resounding "yes!"
        Severl people have told me that they experienced the same thing,
and it seems to be related to the fact that we have occult intestinal
damage, even if we don't initially have any gi signs. Then, as the gut
heals, we become more sensitive to lesser amounts of gluten, as our
absorptive capabilities increase.
        So now I know waht I have to look forward to-I'll have to get over
the embarrassment of trying to order as stringently as possible in front of
relative strangers. Thanks to all who clued me in!-MArne in NJ