<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

Woo hoo!!  Finally, some progress.  Thanks to everyone who gave me
support & advice about my "diagnosis dilemma" a few weeks back.  The
GI specialist recommended by my local celiac association has been
*wonderful* -- unfortunately he shares space with the 1st GI guy who
was really bad.  But, I can live with a few evil looks in the
waiting room while I wait for the good GI guy.

So, the 2nd GI wasn't too convinced that there was such a thing as a
"chubby celiac" (thanks for the term, Diana), but he believed me
(FINALLY) that I was having *real* symptoms and *real* reactions to
wheat.  So, he was prepared to do some tests to rule out celiac,
first.  Well, I did the barium x-ray today.  He took a long time to
review the x-rays; then he said he was quite surprised to find
celiac-like damage in the small intestines.  Wow, I was impressed --
he didn't even take it personally that I turned out to be right.  So,
while  I feel, in some way, vindicated, I suddenly also realize that
this celiac thing is real.  For awhile, I thought maybe it was just
some allergic reaction like lactose intolerance that doesn't actually
damage the system.  ... it would've been nice to be wrong on this
one.  But, thanks to this list, I caught the celiac within 9 months
of the appreance of acute symptoms.  The expertise, advice and
support of all of you really make a difference in peoples' lives.

Thanks for your help.  Now I have a biopsy scheduled.  My GI says I
don't need to do a gluten challenge since I've only been GF for 6
months and the pathologists are trained to look for healed,
celiac-damaged villi.  But I'm not so sure.  My doctor says it's not
worth going through more illness, but I don't want to chance a false
negative biopsy.  Advice?

not sure if I should feel happy or sad,
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Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada