<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

My autistic  son is g/f and c/f and has adjusted to having almost all of his
favorite foods taken away. The diarrhea is much improved, as is his overall

However, candida testing show extreme yeast overgrowth and now we must go on
a yeast free diet as well.

Our breakfast used to be:

gluten free waffles
dairy free margarine
unsulfured molasses
orange juice

Now I understand, he should not have the molasses or the orange juice, is
that correct?  Can our kids have diabetic type syrups that are sugar free?
Seems to me aspartame would not be good for them, either? I am wondering if
at least temporaily he could have diabetic syrup, until we adjust to this
new diet and all it entails? Or what else could we put on gluten free
pancakes and waffles?  This is now his favorite food!

This little guy does like meat, however, my two older kids hate meat (except
for hamburgers and hot dogs!) Also, if I cook him a "meat" breakfast, he
will further feel stigmatized. Right now he has his gluten free waffles from
the health food store and my other kids eat the regular ones like Eggo
waffles and everyone is happy.

He is too young (4) to explain to him that  he has a yeast problem and no
longer can have his beloved syrup!

We are cutting down on fruit juices, like pear juice, and substituting more
water, but are finding it very difficult to go sugar free completely. Also,
he loves Pamela's gluten free ginger cookies which are sweetened with fruit

Any suggestions?

For lunch, he likes gluten free rice bread with almond butter (allergic to
peanut butter!) and a small amount of grape jelly. Can he no longer have the
jelly on his sandwich?

For dinner, he likes ground turkey patties, potatoes or rice. He will really
not eat vegetables except for corn, does not like fruit except for bananas.
He is on one quarter teaspoon of Nystatin in the morning and one quarter
teaspoon in the evening.

So far, he actually seems a little worse since we started the Nystatin,
hopefully it is due to die off. He is MUCH BETTER since we got rid of all

BTW, how important is it to get him formally diagnosed as a celiac with a
biopsy, how invasive is it, does insurance cover it, etc.

Thanks, sorry for all the questions!
