Dear Thyroid Folks,
Welcome to the Thyroid discussion mailing list!
As a beginning note, I'd like to make this one technical recommendation
quite emphatically, please.  Please keep a copy of all your messages to
I understand that there will be more hardware and software updates in the
near future at St. John's University in New York, our LISTSERV host site.
The process of improving service is never as smooth as we wish and we are
likely to experience some glitches that will impact the flow of the list.
I will post warning messages to the Thyroid mailing list as I become aware
of these.  However, sometimes I will find out at the same time you do.
So, during St. John's ongoing renovation, I advise everyone to keep a copy
of all messages that you send to Thyroid.
Due to construction and some unscheduled mishaps, the LISTSERV at St.
John's occasionally becomes overloaded.  When this occurs, the LISTSERV
Manager purges the system [read that: he trashes all the e-mail], so that any
messages not already distributed are lost.  If you have kept a copy of your
message, you can then resubmit it.
Forewarned is forearmed.
Now, let's talk about Thyroid!
Here's A Thyroid Question:
I have a question, if everyone else is shy.  8=]'   Why is my doctor so
heavily against bovine thyroid supplementation, as opposed to
synthroid and levo-thyroxine?  Anybody know?
Ballew Kinnaman  <[log in to unmask]>  512/463-9321
Discussion list owner -- Allergy - PCHealth - Rubber - Thyroid
 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Allergy LISTSERV list ---> http://www.Immune.Com/allergy
PCHealth LISTSERV list ---> http://www.Emissary.Net/pchealth
Rubber LISTSERV list ---> http://www.Immune.Com/rubber
Thyroid LISTSERV list ---> http://www.Emissary.Net/thyroid