<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

This was my first Thanksgiving since being diagnosed, so I went into the
Thanksgiving feast with apprehension.....I also decided to cook the
whole dinner & dessert so it would be GF. We did the whole spread pie,
turkey, gravy, and I'm sitting here at the computer rather than in the
bathroom, so I'm calling it a success.
My last attempt at gravy with flour was a *failure*(unless you LIKE
clumps of flour in your gravy). This time I switched to corn starch & it
came out very well.  My 12 year old son jumped in to help with the
cooking from scratch, and the 8 year old adds to his list of things to
be thankful for that "Mom did not screw up the gravy". Yes it was more
work, and the family had to use extra gravy to make the stuffing
palletable, but all in all I have much to be thankful for. I'm certain
that I will most likely have to keep on cooking these holiday dinners in
order to have GF * for sure* ~ but it is a trade off to being well.

Happy Thanksgiving to all the listmembers & owners- this list is a
Fran Oregon USA