<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>
Hi all- just some food for thought (no pun intended) after Saturday's
conference at Mt Sinai- which by the way was exellent. Quite informative to
say the least and always a pleasure to meet more of my fellow celiacs and the
wonderful Doctor's who have given their time and dedication to our cause.
Anyway, something Dr. Murray mentioned really hit a chord. He was talking
about being concerned about his patients that perhaps were not completely
compliant with the gf diet. He said something to the effect of asking a
patient how many times in the last three months they had put something in
their mouths that they were uncertain of it's gf status. I thought to myself,
last three months? How about the last three days. Kind of a scary thought, I
am ashamed to admit but put that together with the slides that were shown on
intestinal lymphoma and I have to say it put a bit of a scare into me. I
would think this idea is much scarier for those who are asymptomatic as it is
much more difficult to monitor the effect possible gluten intake is causing
in the gut. I for one would like to make a new year's resoultion to myself to
take a much greater look of what goes into my mouth (fortunately I have a
month and a half to finish off all my candy corn! :)
Best Regards,
p.s. A few volunteers are in the process of summarizing Saturday's conference
and will be posting it to thelist in the near future.