<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

Hi listmembers,

My 11 year old daughter is self-diagnosed Celiac and has been GF for
about 2 years now.  She usually stays within her guidelines for foods
with only occaisional slips. She has been lactose intolerant for a number
of years, which does seem better now.  However, she is having alot of
bone pain at night and I am unsure if this is due to her lack of calcium,
or if it is just "growing pains".  She could hardly sleep last night from
the pain.

We have tried a variety of vitamins and minerals.  Most recently we began
using Good and Natural's Little Buddies children's chewable Complete
Vitamins & Minerals in the Cocoa/Carob flavor, as this is one she will
tolerate (she has been very finicky...).  I have tried to include a
separate Calcium suppliment, but I find these hidden around the house,
instead of eaten. She does not like most veggies, and eats very little
fruit.  We are using Mocha mix Non-fat creamer for milk--but she does not
use much of that either.

Is there anything we can do for her bone pain? Does anyone know of a
REALLY good Calcium suppliment for children that they like? I know that I
can force her to take the Calcium we have, but I am hoping for a more
friendly solution.  Any suggestions will be greatly appreciated.
Betsy in Northern CA
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