<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>
 Hi everyone...
I know from personal experience and from other posts here that we Celiacs
need to avoid certain things at the dentist, like regular dental cleaning
compound (use pumice only)..and I personally had a violent reaction to a
seaweed based impression material....
My question concerns the materials used for temporary "crowns"..that are
replaced usually within 2-3 weeks with the real thing...and the glue used
to hold these temps in place...  Does anyone have any information on
whether these things are GF??  I ask, because ever since I have had these 2
temps, 1 week apart..I have been mildly ill (general gluten ingestion
reaction)..  I have elimated EVERY questionable thing from my diet I can
think of, and still am not 100%....
Why don't I ask my dentist??...because he is already tired of me, and
thinks I am nuts to begin with... and should just shut up and put up with
what ever I have to for dental health.  He had to look up Celiac in a book,
and still got the information wrong, and never gives me a chance to
explain......thinking of changing dentists....any homeopathic dentists out
thanks for any help you can give me....  BTW the one temp already came
loose, but my job prevents me from getting it fixed, so I am holding it
together with my tongue!!!  GREAT huh!!?!?!