<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>
Mike Strang <[log in to unmask]> said:
> In addition to CS, I also have multiple food allergies.  I have been
>GF for 5 months, but am still not entirely under control.  I'm fairly
>sure my problems are due to food allergies, since my symptoms are much
>milder than a full-blown 'gluten accident'.
Not knowing you or your diet, I am certainly not qualified to judge whether
your symptoms are due to food allergies or accidental gluten.  However, I would
like to point out that it is well documented that some Celiacs have had
significant damage to their intestines (and perhaps secondary damage elsewhere)
from gluten consumption without external symptoms.  Therefore, most Celiac
groups recommend not attempting to judge quality of diet from degree of
symptoms.  I have done anti-endomysial tests on my son every six months to
check diet compliance.
> At this point, I'm willing to 'start from scratch' and slowly
>add foods in order to find 'em all!  If anyone knows of a resource
>(book, article, whatever) that explains a logical approach to doing
>this, please email me.
William G. Crook, MD has written extensively about food allergies and rotation
diets.  If your bookstore does not carry any of this books, try Professional
Books, P O Box 846, Jackson TN 38302.  We have "Solving the Puzzle of Your Hard
to Raise Child" ISBN 0-933478-12-7 (1987) but he has written many others.
Bill Elkus
Los Angeles