<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>
Hi This is Ted again
Oh no some more thoughts! Well i couldn't quit help it by soo many
testerones flying around on the list. Just kidding.
Any way i think the subject is quite clear.
1.) People that are deficient in magnesium either through poor absorbtion
or through malnutrition should need some extra to have sufficient magnesium
2.) People that are not deficient can be happy and do not need any extra.
Quite simply indeed.
Well how do you know if you need some extra. The first thing i would do
look at my diet and life style.
Magenesium is essential for many different body function(excused please my
non scientific wording,still the german),like enzyme activity,calcium and
potassium uptake,transmission of nerve and muscles impulses and so forth.
So there you go seems to be sort of important to get the rihgt amount of
old magnesium.
An increase in the body's need for magnesium might be present in the following
Consumption of larger amounts of alcohol(bad,bad),diuretics(i dont think
that will apply to most of you),diarrehea(don't say it),high amounts of
Vitamin D and Zink.
Also there might be a problem with proper absorbtion of magnesium, if large
amounts of fat,calcium and protein,high oxalic acid foods and some other
nasty things are consumed.
Well nobody of you does any of these bad things any way,but if you do need
some sources in addition to buying magnesium in bottles(which for some
people can lead to diarr... oh no if consumed too much) here they are:
Dairy products( can be not so good for some people)
Fish (If not from polluted waters)
Meat (If not from Mad Cows, My apologies to Britain no offence)
Apples,aprocots,avocados,bananas,blackstrap molasses,,brown
rice,garlic,kelp.lima beans,nuts.leafy vegetables ( in particular dandelion
leaves,pick the leaves when young excellent)
Well there you have it again.In the beginning of your glutenfree diet you
might need a fair amont extra and later may be not,i guess it is quite
individualistic.So maybe eat larger amounts of the above foods and do not
do too many of the bad things mentioned above and also watch these
Ted Wolff