<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

My apologies to those who have seen this question before....!

I have been introduced to a woman in a convalescent home who has had her
diet messed up royally, and now she is starting to look at her medications
as well...  I need to knw which of the following, if any, are gluten-free:

Provera (if not, what can be substituted?)
Bayer Aspirin
Buffered Aspirin
Benedryl (if not, a substitute?)
Riopan (if not, sub...?)
NoDoz (needs a substitute...?)

She claims that people with Celiac may not have calcium carbonate.
Is this true?

My Products List has listings for weight-loss products, but not
for weight-gain / dietary supplement products.  Are there any
available either over-the-counter or by prescription for po  people
who NEED TO GAIN WEIGHT?  My friend heard somewhere that Ensure is not
GF--anybody hear anything different?

Please respond to me privately.

Thank you!

Tracey Sharp, SCRH
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