<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>
I have eczema. Now that my celiac blood test has come back positive, I
guess I should say I have dermatitis herpetiformis.
My GP is satisfied with the diagnosis and has referrred me to a GI whom
I have an appointment with Monday. Under the influence of this list I am
interested to have a biopsy as well as the blood test while I am still
eating gluten. I prefer a skin biopsy to the intestinal kind.
Can anyone tell me what I should do for a skin biopsy. Can the GI do the
skin biopsy, or can my GP, or do I need to find a dermatologist? What
qualifications are needed? What do I ask for? Is it like the blood test
where only some experts know what to look for? What do they do for the
sample? Although I am on fire with itching at the moment, I have few
bumps and no lesions, so I guess I would need to eat a lot of wheat and
get well broken out (ouch) before a test, right?
Thanks for any help.
Los Angeles
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