<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>
I just finished talking with a close friend of mine who has had lung
problems her whole life.  She has three children who all have PKU.  I saw
her for the first time in about a year about a month ago, and was shocked to
find her looking like she was dying.  She was hooked up to one of those
breathing machines, had lost all kinds of weight, and had aged ten years, it
looked, in the one year since I had seen her.
We talked about my family's adventures in gluten-free, and she was
impressed.  I used to work in a health food store, and knew that she was a
big Barley Green consumer.  She had stopped cooking and was surviving mainly
on Ensure.  I begged her to start eating real food again.
She called me this week excited to report how well she was doing now
gluten-free.  I was surprised at this new development, and she explained
that she had had a hair analysis done, and it said to get off gluten. (???)
She said that she had felt she was dying, too, but now she was regaining
vigor, after a few weeks gluten-free, and now she is eating real food.  Her
husband bragged that she went to church this week and didn't take her
breathing machine.
What she told me today intrigued me further.  She said two years ago her
lung specialist said that her lung problems were caused by something in her
body destroying the cillia in her lungs at a young age, and that caused her
to have constant infections, since the mechanism for moving the infection
out of the lung was broken.  She is also quite thin.
I'm going to encourage her to get the celiac immunoglobulin test, but I am
terribly intrigued if there is any chance she could experience the return of
her lung cillia.  How long does it take for the gut cillia to return?
Wouldn't this be a breakthrough?
Anybody else ever had any lung connection?