<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

Thought I'd send to the whole list because I too have been on iron
pre-diagnosis since I was frequently anemic.  The doctors all told me it was
constipating. When my first child was born I was very constipated and the
doctor told me to go off all vitamins since I was getting too much iron.
When my second child was born (the celiac) I almost hemorraghed to the point
of transfusion.  I never needed one but I had to take copius amounts of iron
for the next 6 mths to get my levels back to normal.  At this time I had no
problem with consipation since I was probably so low in iron my system was
not overloading.  Anyway this was all prior to diagnosis and I have yet to
have iron since being diagnosed 1.5 yrs ago.

This is not medical advice but my own opinions.

Karen, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

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