<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

Reply to message from [log in to unmask] of Mon, 04 Dec

>Ranch dressings, except at home, are a "no,no" Oil and redwine vinegar
>seem to be a safe choice. However, a couple of weeks ago, I ate half a
>salad plate of assorted greens without any dressing because our jazzy
>FIESTA SHERATON did not have oil and vinegar! Having dry lettuce act as
>a flapper valve on one's uvula is a side effect of Celiac, that is not
>documented much!

Next time you are unable to get GF dressing for your salad, ask for a few
slices of lemon.  Most restaurants usually have them on hand for ice tea or
other drinks.  The lemon with a little salt and pepper make a good
dressing, not to mention a lot less fattening than traditional salad dressing.
Let me know how you like it!


Howard J. Kass, CPA                        [log in to unmask]
Cindy Koller-Kass                          Voice: (216)831-4141
                                           FAX:   (216)831-4887
Hope things aren't too taxing for you!