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MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.02
      Title: Gluten Free Pancakes
 Categories: Gluten-free, Breakfast, Breads, Easy
      Yield: 12 pancakes

      1 c  AM Rice or Millet Flour
    1/2 c  AM Soy Flour
    1/2 c  AM Corn Meal
      1 tb Non-alum baking powder
    1/4 ts Sea salt (optional)
      1    Egg; beaten
  1 1/2 c  Water
      2 tb AM Unrefined Vegetable Oil

  Combine all dry ingredients.  Stir together all liquids; add to dry
  ingredients.  Bake on pre-heated griddle (350 F. to 375 F.).  Turn
  only once.

  Source: Arrowhead Mills "Recipes for Special Dietary Needs" tri-fold
  Reprinted by permission of Arrowhead Mills, Inc. Electronic format
  courtesy of: Karen Mintzias
MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.02
      Title: Banana Nut Pancakes
 Categories: Breads, Gluten-free, Breakfast, Milk-free
      Yield: 16 4"pancakes

  1 1/2 c  Rice flour
      2 ts Baking powder
      1 ts Salt
    1/2 ts Xanthan gum
  1 1/4 c  Water
      3 tb Vegetable oil
      2 tb Honey
      2    Egg yolks; beaten
      2 lg Bananas; mashed
    1/2 c  Chopped walnuts
      2    Egg whites
           Vegetable oil; for frying

  Combine flour, baking powder, salt and xanthan gum in medium bowl.
  Stir in water, oil, honey, egg yolks, banana and nuts.  Beat egg
  whites in medium bowl until stiff peaks form. Fold into batter.  Pour
  batter onto hot oiled griddle or skillet; cook on both sides until
  golden brown.

  Each serving (2 pancakes) provides: * 283 calories * 6 g. protein *
  12 g. fat * 40 g. carbohydrate * 2 g. dietary fiber * 55 mg.
  cholesterol * 399 mg. sodium

  Source: Basic Rice Recipes for those with allergies Reprinted with
  permission from USA Rice Council Electronic format courtesy of Karen