<<Disclaimer:  Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

Celiac Folks,

> >Please, those of you considering using a local US based service - the
> >advantage of you remaining on this list server is that we in the UK and
> >elsewhere in the world can communicate with you. Go local and we won't
> >know what you are asking/saying/posting. :-((((((

Although I may have missed the original point this is a response to, I
want to assure everyone that almost all Internet Service Providers are
now allowing email in and out of their services.  People can sign up for
an America Online account and *not* be cut off from the Celiac list.

The Celiac mailing list has, right now, over ninety members subscribing
from America Online.  Thirteen of our members are from Compuserve, five
each from Netcom and Delphi, and eight more are from freenets.

AOL             93
Compuserve      13
Netcom           5
Delphi           5
Freenets         8

The strength of the Celiac list is growing.  Over 500 people worldwide
are reading these proceedings, and learning from each other!  This is a
community well worth preserving and protecting, but local US based
services are no threat!  Instead, they are the source of connectivity for
around 20% of the list's members.

 Pax,  Ballew                  ~  Allergy discussion list owner  ~   Y'all
Ballew Kinnaman 512/463-9321   ~   subscribe Allergy Your Name   ~   come
<[log in to unmask]>          ~   to [log in to unmask]   ~   visit!