<<Disclaimer:  Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

On April 3rd, James Maugham wrote:

> Please, please, please, release me from a mail list...

To signoff from this list, send a message to "[log in to unmask]"
(without the quotes).  The message should have NO Subject and contain a single
line with the following text:

> ...where a Celiac in Idaho
> is concerned with finding Gluten free meals in the great untamed wilderness
> of TORONTO. For God's sake woman, use some common sense.

From the "Welcome" message we all received upon subscribing to this list, I
quote the following text:

   WEL> CELIAC is an open, unmoderated discussion list...The discussions
   WEL> include...tips on how to eat out of the house...

Eating out can be a challenge on this diet, especially when you are in
unfamiliar surroundings.  I see nothing wrong with asking for help from a
geographically dispersed group such as this.  I would encourage others to do
the same.  I, for one, am quite willing to answer questions about food and
eating out in the area I live.  This is another way in which we can help each
other out in dealing with a common problem.

To put it bluntly:  Don't let one person's bad temper discourage you from
asking these kinds of questions.  Answering questions, as well as asking them,
is what many of us are here for.

> GLUTEN FREE MEANS GLUTEN FREE! No Gluten in any way shape or form, i.e. no
> wheat, no oats, no barley, no rye, no spelt, no beer, no grain based liquors!
> Individual reactions may vary and you may be able to binge on occasion on
> birthday cake and rolls with little or no reaction, but at the cost of your
> long term health. Frequent assaults on your intestinal villii MAY BE
> CUMULATIVE! If you think a Gluten free diet sucks, just think how happy you
> would be to be told at age 55 that due to the cumulative destruction of your
> intestinal tract you'll spend the rest of your life being fed intravenously!

I agree with the view you are expressing here.  However, there are some who
feel differently or have been told differently by their doctors.  In making
a point, there is no harm in being civil and polite.  In general, when views
are stated in an extreme and unfriendly way, people will simply ignore those
views.  (I learned this in one of my earlier postings.)  Nobody likes to be
shouted at.

> Learn to like rice and potatoes, you're going to be eating a lot of them.
> Learn to like oriental restaurants, they've been keeping people healthy for a
> thousand years on rice as a staple with a varied, pleasing to the eye and
> generally fat free cornucopia of dishes. Don't be afraid to ask for special
> service when on the road, I travel A LOT, and the staff are helpful and
> courteous 99% of the time. In that 1% when they're rude of abusive, LEAVE!
> Learn to like broiled and boiled foods, you won't even miss that double
> batter dipped chicken fried steak and may even enjoy being able to taste real
> food again.

Again, I agree with this paragraph.  I think it was clear and well-stated.
I'm afraid that some people might have been so turned off by the tone of the
first few paragraphs that they might not have continued long enough to read
it.  This is something to remember in future postings to this list.

                   --- Jim Lyles ([log in to unmask]) ---